

On November 30, 2023, an amendment to the Civil Registry Law was voted. The new Cyprus citizenship law allows:

  • Highly skilled foreign workers with four years of residence to apply with a B1 Greek certificate, and those with five years with an A2 certificate[…]

Update re Work Visa of Third Country Nationals Nationals of countries outside the EU, who have a valid working visa but are currently unable to enter the Republic of Cyprus due to the country’s travel bans, should note the following: Visas will be invalided if the individual does not return to the Republic for a […]

No bank guarantee is required to be submitted on behalf of the employer for the purposes of applying for a work permit. Following the most recent amendment by the Cyprus Migration Department to the regulations on third country employees a guarantee is no longer required. In its place, a formal declaration signed by the employer/company will have […]

High Earners and Non-doms in Cyprus High net worth individuals and non-doms (non-domiciled individuals) are optimizing their taxes, investments and businesses in Cyprus. Recent changes to the Cyprus tax legislation provided significant incentives for non-EU individuals to invest in the island’s infrastructure. At E.Sergiou Legal Consultants, our team specialises in guiding high earners and non-doms […]